Anna Kostenko is a painter based in Cracow, Poland
Anna Kostenko in their work celebrates multiculturalism. Is inspired by the numerous travels around the world. Next to the cities and countryside landscapes leitmotif is the work of Anna Kostenko man and his cultural distinctiveness, membership of a particular ethnic group.
Born in 1975 in Kiev, half Russian half Ukrainian Polish roots. Since 1991 he has lived and worked in Poland. In 1993 he began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow at the Faculty of Painting in professors. Slawomir Karpowicz and prof. Jan Szancenbach. In 1998, he obtained a diploma with honors.
1997 – Professor private scholarship. John Szancenbach on a study trip to Paris.
1998 – Graduated with honors shown Piano Nobile Gallery, Krakow
1998 – the first major solo exhibition of painting and drawing at the Palace of Arts in Cracow TPSA.
In the years 1999 -2009 cooperation with Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery (Dublin, London) falls under exclusive contract for the exclusive representation of the artist in Ireland and the UK. Completed under this contract 5 an Individual – 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007 – in Dublin, in 2006 – at the London Branch of Jorgensen Fine Art. Since 2011, cooperation beyond the contract.
In Poland, collaborates with the Gallery Kersten Gallery in Krakow and Poznan Garbary 48.

Solo exhibitions
1998 Pałac Sztuki TPSP, Cracow, Poland
1999 Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery, Dublin, Ireland (Irlandia) – First Solo Show
2000 Galeria ZPAP Sukiennice, Cracow, Poland
2001 Schlossgalerie Fine Art, Jever, Germany
2002 Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin, Ireland – Second Solo Show
2004 Galeria Garbary 48, Poznan, Poland
2005 Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin, Ireland – Third Solo Show
2006 Jorgensen Fine Art, London, Great Britain – Solo Show
2007 Galeria Garbary 48, Poznan, Poland
2008 Autorski Projekt Malarski „The Faces of Humanity” / „Twarze Świata” – Fine Art Gallery Tryptych, Kiev, Ukraine
2009 Willa Decjusza, Cracow, Wystawa Indywidualna w ramach Międzynarodowych Warsztatów UNESCO
2009 Audytorium Maximum, Cracow, Wystawa Indywidualna w ramach Konferencji Transkulturowa Estetyka Afryki
2010 Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin, Ireland – Solo Show
2011 Fine Art Gallery Mostra, Warsaw, Poland
2012 Fine Art Gallery PKOL – Centrum Olimpijskie im. Jana Pawła II, Warsaw, Poland
2014 Fine Art Gallery i Szkoła Rysunku Zalubowski in Cracow – Wystawa Retrospektywna
Group exhibitions
1997 Wystawa uczestników II Warsztatów Malarskich im. Józefa Czapskiego, Instytut Francuski w Krakowie
1997 Wystawa zbiorowa „Mistrz i uczeń” (wraz z Prof. J. Szancenbachem), Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej w Norymberdze, Niemcy
1998 -2009 Spring, Summer and Christmas’s Group Exhibitions, Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery, Dublin, Irlandia
2000 Oriental Show, Opera Gallery, Paris , France
2001 Oriental Show, Opera Gallery, Singapore, Malasia
2005 Allbemarle Gallery Winter Salon, London, England
2006 Castlte Upton Gallery Salon, Scottland
2007 London Art Fair (represented by Jorgensen Fine Art), London, England
2008 The Irish Art Auction (DE VERES art auctions)
2008 FIAK Paris Art Fair, represented by Jorgensen Fine Art, Paris, France
2012 Jorgensen Fine Art, Dublin, Ireland (Irlandia), “SummerExhibition” Group Show
2015 Wystawa “8 Kobiet”, Konduktorownia, Regionalne Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych w Częstochowie
Obrazy w zbiorach
The Trinity College of Dublin University, Dublin, Irlandia
The Shellburn Hotel of Dublin, Irlandia
The Hyatt Hotel, Kiev, Ukraina
The Turner Prize Foundation, London, England
The Royal Art Academy Collection, Dublin, Ireland.
The Ethnovision Foundation, Dublin, Irlandia
Oraz w licznych kolekcjach prywatnych na terenie Polski, Irlandii, Anglii, Szkocji, Walii, USA, Nowej Zelandii, Australii, Francji, Niemiec, Austrii, Szwajcarii, Rosji i Ukrainy.
Obrazy brały udział w deVeres Art Auctions w latach 2002, 2003, 2005.